Friday, November 18, 2011

TheTakers and The Tooken

In the play "A Raisin in the Sun", one of the main characters, Walter, talks about the world and how we as people are all mixed up and jumbled up. And among this mess of people, there are pretty much two kinds of people. The Takers, and the Taken. Now this obviously arouses the question, what is he talking about? And some thinking, I've come up with my own interpretation of Walters words.

    To his refrencing of all of us being " mixed up", I think hes referring to us as humans being in this giant fighting ring known as the planet, Earth. And all of us being in this jumbled mess people and we all have to fight to survive. Which would lead to split of people known as Takers and Tooken. The Takers in this world are the people that take what they need to survive and to what it takes to get higher than everyone else in this world. The ones who's ambition drives them forward and hones there primal instinct to survive at any cost. And at the other end of the rainbow, we have the Tooken. These are the people, that in short, are the people who serve as the stepping stones or even the prey for takers. These are the people that the takers use or feed off of in one way or another, in order to benefit themselves. And once they've served there purpose, they are discarded and its off to the next one.

 As to the Walter's view of the world, I neither agree nor dis agree. I believe your view on the world strongly depends on your bringing up as a child. If you are brought up in a family who has a rather "healthy" income, then your view is probably a little bit more on the side of the world is yours to take, you just have to believe kind. Where as if you were raised in a rough place such as south-side Chicago where you have to learn to fend for yourself at seven or eight years old. Then your view of the world is probably a little for of the sink or swim kind. Which is why I stand torn between the Takers and the Tooken.

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