Friday, November 18, 2011

TheTakers and The Tooken

In the play "A Raisin in the Sun", one of the main characters, Walter, talks about the world and how we as people are all mixed up and jumbled up. And among this mess of people, there are pretty much two kinds of people. The Takers, and the Taken. Now this obviously arouses the question, what is he talking about? And some thinking, I've come up with my own interpretation of Walters words.

    To his refrencing of all of us being " mixed up", I think hes referring to us as humans being in this giant fighting ring known as the planet, Earth. And all of us being in this jumbled mess people and we all have to fight to survive. Which would lead to split of people known as Takers and Tooken. The Takers in this world are the people that take what they need to survive and to what it takes to get higher than everyone else in this world. The ones who's ambition drives them forward and hones there primal instinct to survive at any cost. And at the other end of the rainbow, we have the Tooken. These are the people, that in short, are the people who serve as the stepping stones or even the prey for takers. These are the people that the takers use or feed off of in one way or another, in order to benefit themselves. And once they've served there purpose, they are discarded and its off to the next one.

 As to the Walter's view of the world, I neither agree nor dis agree. I believe your view on the world strongly depends on your bringing up as a child. If you are brought up in a family who has a rather "healthy" income, then your view is probably a little bit more on the side of the world is yours to take, you just have to believe kind. Where as if you were raised in a rough place such as south-side Chicago where you have to learn to fend for yourself at seven or eight years old. Then your view of the world is probably a little for of the sink or swim kind. Which is why I stand torn between the Takers and the Tooken.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rp: Appearance

"Appearance. One dilemma everybody shares. Whether it's a pimple, or the way you dress, appearance seems to be an issue everyone has to deal with, some more than others."
Now Amy Trieu, is one of the people that I truly care about and cant agree with more here. Appearance to me has slowly gone down the hill of me not caring over the last couple of years. When you do as much as I do on a daily basis, all you what to do is be comfortable in whatever you wear. now this doesn't mean that I wear sweats to school everyday, even though that would be awesome, it just means that I'm more prone to wear basketball shorts, high socks and sandals to school. now this is not a usual thing, its a one or two times a week thing. the rest of the time ill wear jeans and a tee-shirt, or sweater or something.

Now if you are the type of person who like to spend thirty minutes of your morning deciding between boots or ugs, you and I probably aren't the closest of pals. I admit I am fickle on my shirts and stuff, maybe it is part of my OCD or something but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. To me, I shouldn't have to impress people with how expensive of a price tag there is on my clothes rather than impress you with my personality.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Re: Frustrations in the NBA

Here was a current events post I was reading on my good friend Gendarme Docena's blog and also had some words to say on the topic. As the NBA lockout continues to go on with no solution, the fans grow more and more frusturated. We as the fans want to watch the high energy game of basketball and cheer our team on. And teens like me want to see our heroes like Stephen Curry, Kobe bryant, Russel Westbrook, and some nay others (not Lebron James) play. And they players are willing to reduce their pay in order so they can get out and play. However, just like it is in so many other cases in America, the wealthy CEO's want more and are willing to step over us and deny us until they get what they want.

Its is this way of thinking that has started the occupy protests and that will ultimately lead to the downfall of the rick and powerful. We just want ot see our heroes play and cheer them on, and the players just want to compete and use the girfts they were given in order to give back to the community. It shoes in there willingness to cut down there pay just so they can play. But with the wealthy and corrupt in charge, they want ot suck every penny they can get before they put there players on the court. As a HUGE basketball fan, it makes me livid to see this situation and have to wonder if im going have to watch Hockey for another effing season before I can watch my favorite season again.

Free: An Athletes Favorite Question.

Why? As I wake up mornings, some as early as four thirty, this seems to be the question I find myself asking before I get up and start preparing myself for the long day ahead of me. Why do I do this? Why do I get up so early just to have my ass kicked at practice? Why do I come back in the afternoon, just to go another round? Why do I come back the next day? These are all things that we athletes ask ourselves on a daily basis, and something that we all have our individual answer and motivation for. And since I've been asking lately, its really got me thinking. Why do I do it? And the answer I always come up with this two-part answer, "To become better and because I love it".

All Ive wanted to do is make myself better, for whatever reason it may be. But Ive just wanted to be the guy that others can look up to and the guy who seems to have no weakness. And of course I love the sport which is part of the reason I get up to do it every morning. No matter what sport you play, we all have this addiction to it and this competitive drive to be better and to become better at our sport. And I know I get this high when I'm in the weight room or having a great shooting day in the pool, its something that just cant be explained. Athletes no what I mean. We seem to just get this satisfaction while we do it, even though it sucks to get up from my bed in the morning. As hard as it is, i will continue to get up every morning and ask myself, "Why"?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Re: Taken for Granted

"The choices that some people make really confuse me. You're offered free education, something that isn't available to everyone and yet still decide to take it for granted." - Peter Nguyen.

I really believe that Peter nailed this one right on the head. It really gets under my skin that we are blessed to be given a free education and ultimately a chance to better ourselves, yet, there are individuals for one reason or another, that they believe they are to cool for school. Well have i got a reality check for you..... YOU'RE NOT. You have been blessed with a golden opportunity that not nearly everyone gets and you flush it down the toilet. There are people on this planet that would give everything they have for an education. And the worst thing I hear that makes me want to punch people in the face is "I'm tired," or "I'm to lazy." I HAVE BEEN UP AT 4:30, GONE TO PRACTICE, HAD SCHOOL, HAD A GAME, AND THEN HAVE GONE HOME AND DONE HOMEWORK. And you have the nerve to tell me that your to tired? get over yourself.

As you may be able to tell, this is something that gets under my skin. I feel the same way when i would see a polo player who is 6 foot 4  but doesn't have the work ethic to become a better player. I would kill to be that tall and have the physical build, but I don't, so I've been blessed with the work ethic of an ox, and I'm truly thankful for that. I guess the bottom line and the point I'm really trying to drive home is, you have been given something special and no one said it was going to be easy, but take advantage of the opportunity

Ce: Bombs in High and low places

Now we all know that there is Many terrorists who fight in action to avenge many fallen brothers as a result of war, but here is quite the peculiar case. Now, there are many ways I could take a stab at this, but my biggest question is, "How the eff did that get through security?" It seriously concerns me that after all the crack downs on security that people are still able to find ways to get bombs through. Point to humman inivativness. I guess im just more dumb founded that that they wont let you carry a shampoo bottle on a plane, but they don't bother to think that maybe as planted a bomb in their bloomers. But on a more serious note, there is a bigger issue here besides a man with a bomb in his under wear, it's what was his motive behind it.

Our bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, had pleaded guilty to all charges against him, but had justified his attempts saying, "It was to avenge my fallen muslim brothers and inncoent Muslims who had fallen as a result to war". And he also said, "The US should be warned that if they continue to kill and support those who kill innocent Muslims, then the US should await a great calamity ... or God will strike them directly." Which intrested me. He feels like the only way to stop the war is by taking other innocent lives rather than turning the other cheek. It's another strange iterpretation of God's word and a way to justify ones actions. Now I'm not saying im perfect and neither is far, but this is a topic that will have to wait for a future post. I actually made 2 current event posts last week, so this should count towards the next week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

CE: Torture In Afghanistan

There are many turmoil situations in Afghanistan. However, none are as cruel as the torture methods used to interrogate prisoners in order to gain there secret knowledge and obtain confessions. Now I can honestly say that this doesn't surprise me. Its not a shocker that men still use brute force to obtain the things they want. It had been a human instinct since our creation. However, it doesn't excuse the fact that this is truly inhumane and there are much better ways of extracting information and obtaining what you want.

Take this for an example. If you simply wanted to obtain information from someone, All you would have to do is lock them in a completely empty room with nothing but a bed built into the wall, a blanket, and a toilet built into a wall. From there, you simply wait. If you cut a human off from all any other human activity, it goes against there basic instinct to socialize and bond with others, thus making them mentally unstable and willing to tell you what you want. you don't need to use basic brute instinct and revert to animal instincts. it simply takes a little bit of time, patience, and isolation to get what you want. This method is much more ethical and a lot easier on your fists, not to mention much more cost effective. i guess in the end, it just doesn't surprise me how in some aspects of life, we thrive into the future, while in some, we simply revert to a caveman way of life.