Friday, October 14, 2011

Ce: Bombs in High and low places

Now we all know that there is Many terrorists who fight in action to avenge many fallen brothers as a result of war, but here is quite the peculiar case. Now, there are many ways I could take a stab at this, but my biggest question is, "How the eff did that get through security?" It seriously concerns me that after all the crack downs on security that people are still able to find ways to get bombs through. Point to humman inivativness. I guess im just more dumb founded that that they wont let you carry a shampoo bottle on a plane, but they don't bother to think that maybe as planted a bomb in their bloomers. But on a more serious note, there is a bigger issue here besides a man with a bomb in his under wear, it's what was his motive behind it.

Our bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, had pleaded guilty to all charges against him, but had justified his attempts saying, "It was to avenge my fallen muslim brothers and inncoent Muslims who had fallen as a result to war". And he also said, "The US should be warned that if they continue to kill and support those who kill innocent Muslims, then the US should await a great calamity ... or God will strike them directly." Which intrested me. He feels like the only way to stop the war is by taking other innocent lives rather than turning the other cheek. It's another strange iterpretation of God's word and a way to justify ones actions. Now I'm not saying im perfect and neither is far, but this is a topic that will have to wait for a future post. I actually made 2 current event posts last week, so this should count towards the next week.

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