Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Free: An Athletes Favorite Question.

Why? As I wake up mornings, some as early as four thirty, this seems to be the question I find myself asking before I get up and start preparing myself for the long day ahead of me. Why do I do this? Why do I get up so early just to have my ass kicked at practice? Why do I come back in the afternoon, just to go another round? Why do I come back the next day? These are all things that we athletes ask ourselves on a daily basis, and something that we all have our individual answer and motivation for. And since I've been asking lately, its really got me thinking. Why do I do it? And the answer I always come up with this two-part answer, "To become better and because I love it".

All Ive wanted to do is make myself better, for whatever reason it may be. But Ive just wanted to be the guy that others can look up to and the guy who seems to have no weakness. And of course I love the sport which is part of the reason I get up to do it every morning. No matter what sport you play, we all have this addiction to it and this competitive drive to be better and to become better at our sport. And I know I get this high when I'm in the weight room or having a great shooting day in the pool, its something that just cant be explained. Athletes no what I mean. We seem to just get this satisfaction while we do it, even though it sucks to get up from my bed in the morning. As hard as it is, i will continue to get up every morning and ask myself, "Why"?

1 comment:

  1. I made a response post! once again about your free post
