Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Re: Frustrations in the NBA

Here was a current events post I was reading on my good friend Gendarme Docena's blog and also had some words to say on the topic. As the NBA lockout continues to go on with no solution, the fans grow more and more frusturated. We as the fans want to watch the high energy game of basketball and cheer our team on. And teens like me want to see our heroes like Stephen Curry, Kobe bryant, Russel Westbrook, and some nay others (not Lebron James) play. And they players are willing to reduce their pay in order so they can get out and play. However, just like it is in so many other cases in America, the wealthy CEO's want more and are willing to step over us and deny us until they get what they want.

Its is this way of thinking that has started the occupy protests and that will ultimately lead to the downfall of the rick and powerful. We just want ot see our heroes play and cheer them on, and the players just want to compete and use the girfts they were given in order to give back to the community. It shoes in there willingness to cut down there pay just so they can play. But with the wealthy and corrupt in charge, they want ot suck every penny they can get before they put there players on the court. As a HUGE basketball fan, it makes me livid to see this situation and have to wonder if im going have to watch Hockey for another effing season before I can watch my favorite season again.

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