Friday, October 14, 2011

Re: Taken for Granted

"The choices that some people make really confuse me. You're offered free education, something that isn't available to everyone and yet still decide to take it for granted." - Peter Nguyen.

I really believe that Peter nailed this one right on the head. It really gets under my skin that we are blessed to be given a free education and ultimately a chance to better ourselves, yet, there are individuals for one reason or another, that they believe they are to cool for school. Well have i got a reality check for you..... YOU'RE NOT. You have been blessed with a golden opportunity that not nearly everyone gets and you flush it down the toilet. There are people on this planet that would give everything they have for an education. And the worst thing I hear that makes me want to punch people in the face is "I'm tired," or "I'm to lazy." I HAVE BEEN UP AT 4:30, GONE TO PRACTICE, HAD SCHOOL, HAD A GAME, AND THEN HAVE GONE HOME AND DONE HOMEWORK. And you have the nerve to tell me that your to tired? get over yourself.

As you may be able to tell, this is something that gets under my skin. I feel the same way when i would see a polo player who is 6 foot 4  but doesn't have the work ethic to become a better player. I would kill to be that tall and have the physical build, but I don't, so I've been blessed with the work ethic of an ox, and I'm truly thankful for that. I guess the bottom line and the point I'm really trying to drive home is, you have been given something special and no one said it was going to be easy, but take advantage of the opportunity

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