Tuesday, October 11, 2011

CE: Torture In Afghanistan

There are many turmoil situations in Afghanistan. However, none are as cruel as the torture methods used to interrogate prisoners in order to gain there secret knowledge and obtain confessions. Now I can honestly say that this doesn't surprise me. Its not a shocker that men still use brute force to obtain the things they want. It had been a human instinct since our creation. However, it doesn't excuse the fact that this is truly inhumane and there are much better ways of extracting information and obtaining what you want.

Take this for an example. If you simply wanted to obtain information from someone, All you would have to do is lock them in a completely empty room with nothing but a bed built into the wall, a blanket, and a toilet built into a wall. From there, you simply wait. If you cut a human off from all any other human activity, it goes against there basic instinct to socialize and bond with others, thus making them mentally unstable and willing to tell you what you want. you don't need to use basic brute instinct and revert to animal instincts. it simply takes a little bit of time, patience, and isolation to get what you want. This method is much more ethical and a lot easier on your fists, not to mention much more cost effective. i guess in the end, it just doesn't surprise me how in some aspects of life, we thrive into the future, while in some, we simply revert to a caveman way of life.

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