Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Free: The Season Is coming to An End

As I go into today's game against Hercules High School, I cant help but feel a little sadness in me. I See our game today, then I look forward to the remaining hurdles in my path. All I see is one or two more leaps left and just beyond that lies the finish line. We play Hercules today, Bishop O'Dowd Thursday, and Pinole Valley next week. It wont be long before we're on the home stretch with all the other teams right on our heels.

As it stands, with Alameda barely holding on to our first place seat in the league, many teams our duking it out for second and third and looking to knock us off. And with the teams like they are this year, any team can win on any given day if the other is exactly on point with each other. So we can't take for granted our lead. We must continue to fight, scratch, and claw for every win. We don't have a major player this year who we can just go to for goals, we have to rely on one another and work together to earn our tittle.

With these thoughts running through my head, it brings yet another upon me, "The season is coming to an end". And as much as I would love to get to sleep in every morning, and have an extra three hours to do my homework, I still hate giving up high school polo for the rest of the year, and waiting for swim season to roll back around. However, the ending of the high school season means that i get to come together with the other high school guys and play club with them. So I guess I'm a little confused with where this leaves me. But what I am sure about is.....I'm ready for these last couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. http://codle.blogspot.com/2011/10/re-end.html I made a response bro!
