Wednesday, October 5, 2011

CE: The Death Of An Inivator

As you all know by now, Steve jobs, the co-founder of Apple, died this morning after his long battle with pancreatic cancer. As I mentioned, Steve was the co-founder of Apple. He started this life- changing business like any other, in his basement Making computers. He was a visionary who seemed to know exactly what we as the people wanted, before we did. he saw the world going into the digital age far before anyone could even process the idea of what a computer was. He started with computers the size of cinder blocks and as technology evolved, so did his products.

Steve brought us life-changing products such as the I-pod, the I-phone, the Mac Book, I-pad,and the game-changing ITunes. His visions quickly hastened the demise of CD's and changed the way we would listen to music, forever. His brilliance would soon skyrocket Apple to be the richest company, of all time. But like many brilliant people in the world, he had a burden to bare, Steve had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. And even during his never-ending dance with death, Steve still committed his life to his work and giving the people what they wanted. This world has truly lost one of the most brilliant minds of all time, his actions shaped this world to send it into its digital idea. He will be missed for generations to come. Steve was truly a visionary whose view to better our wrold through technology will continue to live and inspire many for years to come.

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