Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Re: Tired

"I feel so sleep deprived." -Cody Le
Simple and sweet as this quote may be, it is exactly how I've been feeling this week. Cody is fellow polo player and someone who I honestly love. he has recently been attending morning weight room workouts at six in the morning. Combined with afternoon workouts, games, and schoolwork in between, we struggle to find time to ourselves. And when we do, its usually to take a shower, or to get a meal in before we go to bed and get up at the butt crack of dawn, just to do it all again.

I guess the question really becomes, "why"? Why do we get up every morning, and push ourselves to our limits? Even though it goes against all of our instincts to just sleep in and be more well rested for the day. And the only answer I can conjure up is, "because we love it." We love the sport and are willing to put ourselves through hell and back just for it. Its like all athletes who are reading this, also sleep deprived. We simply love what we do and we're willing to sacrifice all personal time, for our sport. We have this drive to just push through pain and instinct to better ourselves and become the best student athlete we can be. And at the end of the day, I don't mind doing it. It gives me a release for all stress I accumulate during the school day as well as teach me self-discipline. At the end of the day, I will go to bed exhausted and overworked. However, I will continue to get back up every morning, knowing I get to do what i love


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