Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Free: As the Weeks Continue To Role ON.

As I sit here in one of the many AHS computer labs listening to the masterpiece "Hallelujah" by the brilliant Jeff Buckely, I continue to think about the weeks going by. I think about the weather and how all I seem to want to do is lay down in bed, with the lights off, the window open, and listen to the wind fill my room. Polo takes up most of my time now so I really take advantage of any time I get to myself to just lay donw and think. However, before i get to go and do this tonight, I have one more obstacle in my way, the long-antisipated game against Encinal. To be honest, as much as i want to go home for the down time I long for, I am excited to see all the great guys on the Encinal team.

Don't get me wrong, just because they're my friends doesn't mean I wont hesitate to play my hardest against them, and I hope they feel nothing less towards me. I'm hoping that this game will break me free from the little bit of an energy slump I've been in. So other than the weather, life's been good, cant complain here. Been staying healthy, warm, fed, and more importantly, been getting to play polo.this game will cont inue to be running through my head until the last seconds of school slowly but surely tick away. And after a battle against some of my closest friends, it will finally be time to go home.

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