Friday, September 30, 2011

There are many questions in the world that we as the human race have accepted to just have no answer. One of these mind-boggling questions is: "What is the one characteristic that defines a human/ humanity?" Our lust for power and to become the perfect human being? Our need to bond and create a social web with others? Naturally, I was sent on a roller coaster of thoughts and emotion. However, after a long session spent in my room contemplating, I've come to a conclusion. Despite many tendencies in the human race, I believe the one thing that ultimately defines us as the human race is the many forms of diversity that is found in our world. Yes, many people will also be writing about this, but i truly believe that this is the one thing that collectively defines the human race.

There are many forms of diversity in our race. Religions, ethnicity, thought process, eye color,  everything down to the clothes you choose to wear every day, all come together to make you who you are. There's so much diversity in the world. But all of this diversity is good. Especially here in the United States. We have all kinds of ethnic influences and so many different personalities, even walking down the streets of San Francisco is an adventure. You see suits with not a hair play out of place, walking next to a super retro rave girl wearing neon green skinny jeans and rocking a pink Mohawk, and everything between. You may even see an Irishmen walking  down the street, holding hands with a Japanese women.The different variations we have, is endless.

There is also a great deal of diversion in our physical appearances. There's black people, white people, brown people, yellow people, and many different shades of skin tones in between. There old people, young people, and new Born's. There's there people who are 4 foot 11 to the people who are 6 foot 7 , and  the people who are shorter, to the people who are taller. You'd have people with dry skin, soft skin, ashy skin. people with big lips, people with small lips. people with short hair, long hair, curly hair, straight hair, nappy hair. And hundreds of other types of physical features that are on the face alone.

Diversity doesn't just exist in the clothes that we wear or the haircut we have, or even what we look like on the outside. It doesn't even exist completely in the color of our skin or how tall we are. It exists in great portions in our brain and in our individual thought process. It makes people do the things they want to do like jumping off cliffs for a living, or taking care of animals. It gives us a taste of what we think is good music, or what we think is in fashion this season. Its also what makes us choose occupations that we want to be when we grow up. There are so many thought processes from person to person, that we try to lump them and label them, like jocks or hipsters. But the truth of the matter is, no one individual is the same, on the inside as well as the outside, we are all the person we are, whether we choose to show it or not.

And diversity will never die, people of all nationalities will continue to breed with one another (fun fact: humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for fun.) for as long as the world will continue to exist. Think of the Earth like this. Continents and people were each there own species of flower that were grouped into one bush together and isolated from the other the bushes. And all 6 of these bushes (no one lives on Antarctica) were separated from each other but were in the same field or Earth if you will. And none of the bushes knew of the existence of these fellow bushes in this huge field. And along came bees or boats, that kept bringing different species to one another. And most would die in this new enviorment, but some would live to breed, thus, a new species of flower was born. And this process between the new flowers and old flowers continued to happen for thousands of years until now we have a field filled with thousands upon thousands of beautiful new exotic flowers. And as flowers die, there will be more to take there place.

Diversity has been with the human race since the our very first ancestors. Slight differences in things like foot size and thickness of hair meant your survival, and this process along with my flower example, combined together to help make us the complex and diverse creatures we are today. And it will continue to live on in each of us far long after we die. When I get older and have children, they will have half of my genetics and qualities as well as half of there mothers. And as these two genetics mix, along with there own thought process, we will have created something beautiful, and new species of flower. And as my flowers go on and have flowers of there own, and so on. Diversity will continue to live on in our world.

It really is quite an amazing thing when you think about it. How the collective differences from person to person, together serve as the one thing that defines us as the human race. It also amazes me how people continue to say one person is different from them as if its a bad thing and shouldn't be accepted. These slight differences and variations not only in physical appearance as well as personal hobbies and intrests should be celebrated. They should be celebrated and appreciated. I just will never get over the fact out of how different we are as a human race and how far we've come from being isolated bushes in a fast field. So next time you see a person you think is weird looking or does things that is different weird, think twice, because its your differences, their differences, along with all the other beautiful unique flowers in our field, that define our species as a whole.

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