Thursday, September 8, 2011

CE: 9-11

Now I'm sure as most of you know, The very tragic anniversary of the horrific day of 9-11 is coming around on Sunday, and everyone is posting about it and there feeling and thoughts on the subject, and i would love to give you guys mine. First off, every time i think about what happened and how the simple actions of one man, and the reaction of another have had such a negative effect on this country, its truly amazing if you ask me. Osama had sent a letter telling what was going to happen exactly one month from the day, and the cheer ignorance of the ex-president just let it go. And where has that gotten us? So far down the toilet, its going to take us awhile to get everything unplugged and make it all right. And its also sacrificed the lives of innocent people for no reason. Now theres SO much the be said about this, and most you can find other blogs, but i would like to talk a little more about a point that i don't believe is always properly addressed that is kind of significant.

Now it always amazes me how the single actions of one man has done this to one country. He has literally put us in a sink whole. But if the actions of one man has done this to us. Why cant the same thing happen again? Who is to say that the single actions of one man cant bring us out of this whole. Or better yet, why cant the actions of this country, united under the sole purpose to better the world that we all or born into and will die in, bring us out of this mess? I just find it absolutely mind numbing how this country has so much to say about this topic, and has so much built of anger, emotion, and so much to converse about, yet we are not willing to work together to get us out of this mess in order to reverse the effects of this tragic day. Who knows? maybe one day we will all drop our selfish wants and desires, in order to come together, and better this place we call, "home."

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