Sunday, September 4, 2011

My First Blog

Hi there, my name is Benjamin Ingram. I'm a student at Alameda High School. And one of my class assignments was to create a blog for the entire year, and post on it frequently on virtually whatever we'd like. So this being my first blog, I'm going to just go ahead, dive right in, and wing it by telling you about some of my hobbies. I'm a varsity water polo player and swimmer for the high school. We are currently in the middle of trying to get our third straight A.C.C.A.L championship, which has never been done in AHS history, which is pretty exciting stuff if you ask me. I fell in love with the sport two years ago when I first started playing for the Alameda Water Polo Club, and have been hooked ever since. As much as i love playing sports for the high school, the classes itself are a different story. School has never exactly been my favorite. Its not that i do poorly in school, its just that I haven't found the passion for it, yet. I'm sure once I do, there will be no stopping me. Now many people that no me, no that i can be very sarcastic and cynical. however, I can also be very active, and full of life. But the one thing that never changes about me, is that I'm motivated. I'm very motivated in everything I do, and I have a huge work ethic. I Believe that if you want things to happen for you, or if you want to better yourself, you have to be the one to do it. Being only five foot eight and 145 pounds, I'm not exactly the most ideal polo player. So i make myself work harder to be as good as the guys who are 6'4 and have a huge wingspan.

 Another thing that people should know is that my brother and I are very close. I believe family is one of the very few things that you have in this world, and you should keep it close. As a result, my brother and jokingly created what we like to call "The Wolf Pack". Basically, its just a reminder to my brother and I that we will always be there for one another, and nobody should come between that. Now that i have given you some of my background, I want to tell you about some of my future goals, in and out of the classroom. As far as in this English class, all I'd really like to do is polish my writing and make it look much nicer. As far as outside is concern, I'd really like to carry out my remaining years here at AHS and go on to play polo at u.c Berkley, Davis, or Santa Barbara. I know it is a bit of a long shot, but I have never been the type of person known to give myself easy goals. I'm still debating on what I'd like to major in, but I know its going to be something in the biology field. I'm looking forward to blogging more on all of these topics. So there will be more to come. Hope you all have a good day, take it easy.

1 comment:

  1. You seem super passionate when you find something to be passionate about. I feel it because I'm the same way. I mean, I don't play water polo but I feel almost the same way with rugby. Best. Sport. Ever.
    Also, I hope you do get to that point where you find school exciting soon! School really isn't the best thing in the world, but so far you're hanging in there, ain't you? Keep it up and you'll definitely go far. Good luck!
