Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fe: Fetigue at its finest

Today and yesterday the polo team has had the pleasure of playing back-to-back games. On the varsity side, we won both games. One against American High School, and the other against Piedmont High School which happen to be our first league game. So it was nice and very uplifting to have both wins, especially one being a league game. But the physical toll it takes on your body, is definitely not the business. My legs feel like there about to fall off, and Ive thrown out my shoulder. On top of it, My vision has faded on me and gone blurry. Today and yesterday the polo team has had the pleasure of playing back-to-back games. On the varsity side, we won both games. One against American High School, and the other against Piedmont High School which It is it worth it? Hell yeah it is!!!

Its also very uplifting to have our starters go in and play like a well-oiled machine. Its lets us know that we're on the right track to where we want to be at the end of the season. It doesn't change the fact that shit still needs to get done out of the pool. As many sport players know all to well, it's extremely hard to balance your schoolwork on top of games and practices. But the point I'm really trying drive home is that I love this sport and don't plan on giving it up anytime soon. Even though this sport and school put me on a roller coaster on the daily, its a ride that i will keep hopping back on until i throw up, then ill get back on and go again.

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