Friday, September 16, 2011

CE: French Enforces street prayer ban

The French Street Prayer Ban was some thing that I find very interesting and almost unconstitutional at the same time. Yes religion is a very sticky subject, but I'm going to go ahead and dive right in. To me, everyone has the right to say what they want to say and do what they want to do, whether its right or wrong, its a different story. This Muslim worshipping community is being driven into an even smaller corner than what they were already in. The Muslim worshipping community is so large in France, and with the lacking of temples established for the sole purpose of worship, this community is forced to pray wherever they can. And the fact that France has told them that not even that is allowed, is basically not only a slap to the face, but also another example that we as humans can not even obey the rules that we put forth towards society as a whole to keep the peace.

Call it ignorance, but I don't see what the problem is with someone going out to a public area like a a park  for instance, a doing some praying and meditating. It may not be for you, but that doesn't give you the right to take it away from some one else who does find it right for them personally. In the end, all France is really doing, is driving a huge part of their population into other parts of the world, where there beliefs and customs are excepted.I guess my problem is not so much one with France, as it is with the fact that we as the human race, continuously strive to take more and more away from the others around us, for no beneficial purpose to ourselves. I could go on for days on this topic, but I'd really like to save it for a bigger post when I'm looking for some inspiration, so stay tuned, the topic will arise sometime in the future, I promise.

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