Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Foreboding Jungle

Running, sweat dripping, feet blistering and blood leaking it's way through his socks, slowly forming a puddle of warm and squishy liquid in his shoes. He trips and stumbles on every twig and protruding root in his path, and hits his face on each and every branch , each leaving its on cut upon his face. He finally decides to stop and take a breather. As the puddle in his shoes slowly becomes greater and the blood mixes with sweat as runs down his head and past his cheeks. His head pounding with thoughts. Like each thought is its own horse and all he could hear was the hoove noises of a thousand horses. He can see nothing, the darkness of this jungle surrounded him, filling every oraphis on his body, he can feel it sinking into each of his pores and even settling down behind his eyes.

But none of that matters now, all he knows is that he has to find a way out of this dark place. So he relaxes his minds and begins to think. The sound of the whistling wind accompanied by the thunderous noise of the animals in the forest, creates the sweet symphony that fills his ears as he collects his thoughts. After A moment of serenity, he clears his mind and decides that its time to go again. He soon realizes that he is in more trouble than he thought. He gets up to realize that he can barley move, his left foot. He quickly tears a sleeve of his shirt to tie around the gruesome cut on his foot as it gushes out warm blood. he knows it wont last long, but it's the best he can do for now. With this, he has caught the second wind in his legs. With a deep breath, letting the sweet tropical air fill his lungs, he sets out for another push to the end of the jungle.

As he slowly but surely makes progress, more aware of branches and roots, the loud squeals and gawks serve as a very intimidating reminder that he is not safe here and most constantly keep his guard up. His heart at this point, could beat a V-8 dual-exhaust engine in a race. His face stings with every slight warm breeze that comes and fills the cuts on his cheeks. The wrap around his foot has stopped the bleeding now, but there's no guarantee on how much longer it will suffice. At this point in time, he has become his own worst enemy. With the little angel on one of the shoulders, the little devil on the other keeps whispering  thoughts of suicide and death into his ear. However, our hero pushes forward, ignoring thee oh so tempting ideas.

As he continues to walk with the sharp pain that fills his all whole body, he is abruptly stopped. But not by a another branch or random root, but by a wall- like thing. Taken back by this massive thing. He decides to give a push against in attempt to try a budge it. He lifts his battle-weary arms, the pain is almost unbearable. In one quick move, he pushes and suddenly has landed face first in the warmest, finest sand that he has ever seen. He has pushed right threw the barrier of heavy forestation and landed right on the beach that surrounds it. As the blinding white light creeps away to fill his teal eyes for the first time, a wave of sweet relief washes over him. As he feels the warm feeling of home and safety around him, it is quickly followed by another feeling. The blood loss from the two giant cuts on his feet, and the combined loss from the gashes on his face, are too much for his body to handle. With the serenity that came with just kneeing on the warm, sandy beach, he collapses near the ocean. Now, the beach and the ocean play a game of tug of war for his body. slowly pulling back, he is the oceans prize to claim. As the water engulfs his body, the young man is swallowed by the ocean. But he died with the warm feeling of relief, a smile on his face, and more important, light in his eyes.

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