Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FREE: Polo this Saturday

As the week is slowly ticking by, the thought of polo are slowly creeping back up on me. This weekend we are participating in a polo tournament out in Novato. Both the junior varsity and varsity will be participating in the tournament. Varsity Will have 2 games and junior varsity will have one. I'd be lying if I told you that it was going to be an easy weekend, and I'd be lying if i told you that it was going to be a difficult weekend. Truth is, I don't know exactly what to expect from each team. Frankly it doesn't matter. No matter who you play against, you play until you either hear a whistle, or the buzzer that marks the sound of the end of the fourth quarter. And its good to see the team coming back to where we were at last year.

Were slowly becoming more aware of the pool and everyone one around us, and using that information leads to smarter passes, and ultimately, better and stronger shots at the cage. As always, I have nothing but the highest standards for us as a team. We're not a couple guys playing together. We are six teamates who must learn to work in complete unison in order to complete or ultimate goal of winning the A.C.C.A.L Championship. In the great words of Marshall Dortch, "You can get to high on the wins, and you cant get to low on the losses. Just take what you know now, and use it to make yourself better."


  1. That is good advice you close with there.

    I like very much how the focus of this piece is on AWARENESS...how it grows between and around team-mates, and how awareness and objectivity can get distorted with the highs and lows of a sports season. I'm looking forward to more of your commentary about your games this year...I love reading students' posts about their athletic lives!

  2. And by the way...how did the game go?

  3. ummm, we play tomorrow (saturday) and the jitters are slowly creeping up on me. Ill let you know how we do in class monday and ill tell you about some of my tricks of the trade sometime if youd like.
