Friday, September 16, 2011

Response: To my boy Rowland

"Gaming is a part of life."-Rowland Markheims Blog

This was an idea that I kind of had a different point of view on. When you think about it, isn't life itself, set up to be like a video game? Most of us, the noobs, start out with nothing, and work to get everything that we have. Like most games, we choose an occupation of some kind and make some kind of profit doing that. And as we work longer and that profession, we gain more insight and skills in that job.And the overall point of the game is to become the best character you can become and to gain as much money or tender as you can. But on the other hand, there is also the people who play just for fun, and to experience everything that the game has to offer. Just like there people who go through life to enjoy its experiences and to indulge in everything this world has to offer to us as players.

And unfortunately, we all will come to end in the game and be deleted, just like we all must die. And when we get bored with this game and are deleted, we will move on and find a new game to play and enjoy and follow whatever path we choose. Just like in life when we die, we move on into another life to start again in whatever way we choose. The overall idea is still the same. We, as a majority, are born with nothing, we work for everything and choose a path of some kind. And as we follow that path in life, we live and learn and gain experience. And as we go on, we will eventually come to an end move on to the next life. Maybe its just me, but these are the kind of things I see and have opinions on.

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