Friday, September 9, 2011

RESPONSE: My response

This is something that I totally agree with my boy Cody on. Its very simple, so be aware.

I think the classics are the best.
I could totally not agree with Cody more on this subject. As great as technology and all the advances we've made today in the modern world, there is just nothing that can quite compare to the classics. Theres nothing like sitting down to watch an old American war story, or the timeless beauty of Broadway. These are all such a small, yet beautiful piece of American history. When people think of America, I don't want them to think of us as a lazy, inpatient, country with grease pouring out of its pores, I want them to think of us as the land of opportunity and a place where even the soil is enriched with culture, history, and art. I personally love to sit down, and watch the classic cartoons, like X-men, loony toons, and the original batman series.

Now and days we have all of these cartoons that are built on nine year olds farting. And its no wonder why people think were an ignorant country. But that's a debate for another time. Point being, there is simply nothing better to me then waking up at 9 on a Saturday morning to see my favorite Batman and Robin go out and kick some bad guy ass. It is a part of my childhood, as well as the childhood of America that i hope continues to stay with us for many generations to come. I guess, to really sum it up, there really is nothing that can even compare to the classics.

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