Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ce: The execution of Troy Davis

I wont give you the whole back story on this, watch the video to catch up and then proceed and read the following. In my opinion, the state of Georgia did execute the wrong man. When you have no murder weapon, and members of the jury and original testifiers claiming that they were pressured by the police to lie (SHOCKER) and are now telling that it wasn't him, I'm certain that you have the wrong man. Now I can debate on why we shouldn't or should have the death penalty. But it seriously all depends on  the case at hand. As cruel as the death penalty is, I believe that there are a few individuals that deserve it. But Troy Davis, was not one of them.

When you are considering sentencing an individual to the penalty, you better be damn sure that they are the killer. The state of Georgia let another innocent man rot in jail before they gave him the ultimate sentence. Till the moment he died he pleaded innocent, and no one listened to his cries for justice. Instead the state tuned him out like he was an animal that just needed to be quiet. But he wasn't. he was a fellow human being who was wrong convicted and was killed for it. It makes me sick to think tat this is what goes on in the world. And it makes me strive to want to be a better person, and one day, fix the way we handle cases like this one. that way, another man like Troy Davis, has to sacrifice his life for no reason.

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